The Emperor - ARIES

His supreme assholiness was born right on the cusp of Aries and Taurus, just like Hitler.
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This makes it a very close tie between Aries and Taurus:

Emperor Palpatine's ridiculous all encompassing drive and will to own everything is indicative of a Taurus, but his burning desire to control everything and especially the manner and attitude he adopts doing it, makes him the biggest ***hole of the universe - definitely an Aries.

Aries is also ruled by Mars, the god of war, so that fits him perfectly.

See what Darth Vader says about ARIES:
Aries can be pretty cool bosses, although they can also be real jerks when they don't get what they want. I know this guy from the old school, he's an Aries, and he can shoot lightning from his fingers! He taught me everything he knows, and he actually saved my life. He's like a dad to me. Aries are really caring thoughtful people. 

Just make sure you are on their side. Join us, and we shall rule the galaxy together! 

See what Luke says about ARIES:
Aries are hard driving passionate people. 
Being the first sign, Aries are also the "babies" of the Zodiac. 
This bugs me sometimes because they can act childish when they don't get what they want. 
For example, there's this guy that really scares me, and his boss is an Aries. They're always bugging me to choose sides -- theirs of course! Being forced to choose sides is like a dictatorship. I hate that, I told them that already, but they keep insisting. I don't know why. 

But let's put it this way, Aries are very polarizing people, you either hate them or love them. 
Whatever you do, don't compromise your own values just to stay on their good side, know what I mean?