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Chewbacca is one star roving, fun loving, outspoken guy. He will go anywhere with his buddy Han. Asteroid field? -- check. Imperial Battle Cruiser? -- check. You name it, he's been there. 
This incurable Ultra-Wanderlust is indicative of a true Saggittarius.
And...and(!), like a true sagittarian, he is a high-calibre philosopher. Those grunts and growls he emits, are actually Kantian  Koans in his native language. He ponders the eternal questions, like: "Is there free will?" -- with the mental prowess of  a Nietzsche. It's not his fault that you can't understand his language!

See what Darth Vader says about SAGITTARIUS:
 Sagittarians are short sighted, irresponsible vagabonds. 
A perfect example is the rug mat wookie of the rebels. Doesn't he know Han Solo is just using him as a lap dog? Once in a while Han will throw him some scraps, but otherwise it is a ridiculously bad business relationship. Han Solo's value proposition just doesn't make sense, but the Wookie keeps going for it -- LOOOSER!

See what Luke says about SAGITTARIUS:
Sagittarians are adventure loving, open minded, smart, and clever.
I know this wookie and he is nothing but fun. His grunting and growling doesn't make much sense, BUT, we communicate on an emotional level.
Sagittarians make great emotional and reliable partners. You can count on them to take up ANY fight for you!

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